Write an essay on the following topic in about 250 words :Wonders of Science.

Human spices are the smartest among all the life forms. From ancient times, they have been using their intelligence to utilize the principles of science towards making great inventions like stone wheel, engine, telephone, medicines and surgeries etc. These great inventions are not less than any wonders. Presently every aspect of human life is being facilitated by the wonders of science. Therefore, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that we are living in the age of science.
Advancements in the field of transportation like electric vehicles; automatic cars etc. have made it easy to travel longer distances in jiffy. Inventions in the field of medicine and surgery like vaccinations, Xray Machine etc. have made possible the prevention and treatment of incurable diseases. Electricity is one of the most important inventions of science. From big manufacturing units to small home appliances, all run on electricity. Mobile and the internet are the greatest inventions in the field of communication. They are being used for teaching, video calling, marketing and what not. Invention of the computer is the greatest invention among all. Its usage in different fields like education, medicine & surgery, banking, entertainment, engineering, and transportation have made the systems quick and automatic. Astronomical discoveries are also one of the wonders of science. All these inventions and innovations have made our life comfortable and happy.
Besides having numerous benefits, the wonders of science have a bad side also. Inventions like nuclear weapons, computer viruses, and bio weapons are a threat to mankind. These kinds of weapons, if used in wars, can cause massive destruction. Industrialization, which is also a product of science, has polluted our environment which in turn is giving birth to deadly diseases among mankind. Automation in various fields has made people lazy and inactive.
In conclusion, Science is a boon and a bane to mankind. We should use its inventions for our betterment only. Power should be in the right hands to prevent the evil use of wonders of science.