Write an essay: Anchoring Script For Annual Function

Anchor 1 – Welcome everyone on this beautiful evening on the behalf of HAL school family, hope you all reached here safely.
Today we all gathered here to celebrate the Annual function of our school.

Anchor 2 – Guests and my dear fellows, we will start the function with Saraswati Vandana followed by the speech of our honorable Principal Sir, a dance performance, a song performance, and we will finish with the function with a drama prepared by the students.
Anchor 1 – I would like to welcome a group of students to start the Vandana.

Saraswati Vandana starts, everyone is reciting the Vandana followed by the group.

Anchor 2 – Our group presented a melodious Vandana. May goddess Saraswati bless them with the best.
Now, let’s welcome our honorable Principal Sir for a speech containing the annual report of our school.

Principal Sir on the stage, he presented the annual report and greets the auditorium with his speech.

Anchor 1 – Hope you guys aren’t sleepy yet because if you are, these performances will wake you up. Let’s welcome our first dance group.

A hip-hop dance group enters and presents an energetic performance.

Anchor 2 – Woohoo, that was surreal guys. You guys were amazing. Now, let’s watch a solo, soothing dance performance performed by our senior student.

A solo dance performance starts.

Anchor 1 – Wow guys, it’s such a delight to watch these amazing performances. I think now you all want to soothe your ears with a melodious divine song by a boy in class 8th.

The singing performance starts and got very much attention.

Anchor 2 – That was awesome. A big round of applause for thing performance again guys.
Now, let’s have the last performance of the night, that’s a social drama. Let’s welcome our team with a big round of applause.

Drama starts.

Anchor 1 – So, this was it. I hope you all have enjoyed the evening.

Anchor 2 – Please have dinner before leaving. Thanks to all on behalf of our HAL School family for joining us today.

Final Answer: An anchoring script for the Annual function is framed above.