Write a short biography of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam under the following headings: His parentage and education – His contribution to India’s most important works. – As a President of India.[Intermediate]

After completing his schooling at the Rameshwaram Elementary School, Kalam went on to appear at Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli, then affiliated with the University of Madras, from where he graduated in physics in 1954.
Kalam was an average grade student but was delineated as a bright and hard working student who had a strong desire to learn.

His contribution to India’s most important work:-
As a great scientist who contributed to India’s most important work such as; Satellite to local health his contributions have always been worthy in Indian history.
At the time when India had hardly dreamt of its own Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV), Dr. Kalam’s exertion and hard work for over a decade, made it possible for us to develop our first indigenous SLV.
After the success of the SLV programme, Dr. Kalam also became the director of two projects.
Project Devil
Project Valiant
After working two decades in ISRO, he was answerable for the development and operationalisation of AGNI And PRITHVI missiles.
Dr. Kalam was a Scientific consultant to the Defense Minister of India between 1992 and 1999 when India went ahead with nuclear explosions at Pokhran.
Dr. Kalam helped design a cost – effective coronary stent known as ‘Kalam-Raju-Stent’ making healthcare accessible to all.

Final Answer:- A.P.J Abdul Kalam was a great man and the whole world knows him as Missile Man.He was also the President of India.His contribution is always written in golden words in indian history.