Write a report in about 100 words on the topic ‘The Prize Distribution Function’.

Last Tuesday, the annual prize distribution function was arranged in our school auditorium. To make this event successful, a lot of arrangements were made both by students and teachers.
The victorious students in various fields such as Education, Cultural Programs, Sports had to be honored in the function.
The Education Minister of the state had to come as the Chief Guest.
It was a matter of great pride for us.
Therefore the school building was decorated like a bride.
Parents of the students and other respected people of the city were invited to grace the occasion.
The function had to be started at 8:30 am sharp after the morning prayer.
As the Chief Guest arrived, Our Principal and other school management members welcomed him with a bouquet and the Chief Guest lit the lamp before the picture of Goddess Saraswati.
The function began with a prayer song followed by a welcome speech and speech by our school principal and Chief Guest.
Immediately after the motivating speech, prize distribution took place.
The chief guest distributed the prizes to the winners of the respective fields and advised all the students to work harder in life to ensure success.
After this, there were cultural items presented by students of different classes; people enjoyed this Cultural Programme a lot with loud clapping.
In the end, the Chief Guest announced Rs 3 lac donation for students welfare and we all appreciated it with loud cheers. The function ended with the National Anthem.

Final Answer:- After completing the programme all the faces looked like glitter and those students who got the prize were happy to achieve the Prizes.Most happiness thing was chief Guest announced 3 lac donation.