Write a paragraph using the following outline in about 100 words: Keeping surroundings clean – learn this habit at a young age – good for society – don’t litter the streets – roadside – with garbage, rubbish – advise friends – neighbours – clean society – clean habits – good health

Keeping surroundings clean is a habit that should be acquired by everyone in society.
We all should learn this habit at a young age as it will contribute to doing good for society and for ourselves too.
Everyone should be aware of things like ‘don’t litter the streets,’ ‘don’t throw things at the roadside,’ and ‘polythenes with garbage should be recycled.’
Instead of all the rubbish we talk about, we should advise friends and neighbors about cleanliness and follow it too.
We must have a clean society which will come from clean habits and it will add to good health.

Final Answer: The paragraph following the outlines is written above.