Write a paragraph in your own words on the following. Weeding.

Farming –
Farming, which includes crop cultivation and animal rearing, is an important part of agriculture. Farming dates back to the neolithic era, when humans abandoned nomadic hunting and began settling and forming communities.
It is essential for human survival because it produces various types of food.
Various farming methods are used all over the world, and they are mostly determined by natural factors such as climate and soil, as well as the availability of farming.
There are two types of subsistence farming- Primitive Subsistence Farming and Intensive Subsistence Farming

Primitive Subsistence Farming
It is only done on small plots.
Traditional implements like as the hoe, dao, and digging sticks are employed, as well as family and communal labour.
Farmers in this form of farming rely on the monsoons and the soil’s natural fertility.
This sort of agriculture has a low land productivity.

Intensive Subsistence Farming
It’s more common on larger land holdings.
To increase production, modern puts such as HYV seeds, pesticides, chemical fertilisers, and so on are employed.
Irrigation systems such as tubewells and canal irrigation are used in intensive subsistence.
Because it is intended for commercial use, land productivity is high.

Final Answer:

The farmer’s family’s needs are met by this form of farming. Intensive and primitive subsistence farming are two types of subsistence farming. Subsistence farming and commercial farming are the two primary types of farming, which differ in terms of geographical conditions, produce demand, labour, and technological.