Write a note on- (a) Dow process (b) Raschig process (c) Kolbe’s reaction (d) Reimer-Tiemann reaction

Dow’s process:
This process was discovered by Herbert Henry Dow for generating bromine commercially.
In this process, bromide-containing brines are reacted with Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and bleaching powder.
This reaction oxidizes bromide to bromine and remains dissolved in the water.
Bromine is trapped with iron turning to give a solution of Ferric bromide.
Free Bromine may be obtained through the tharmal decomposition of Ferrous bromide.
Ranching process:
This process is used for the production of phenol.
This process involves two steps.
In the first step, a copper or Iron chloride catalyst is used and exposes the materials to air at 400 degree Celsius.
In the second step, the resulting Chlorobenzene is steamed at 450 degree Celsius on a silicon catalyst.
After this step, hydrolysis of Chlorobenzene occurs and Phenol and Hydrochloric acid (HCl) are formed.
The Reaching process can be used to produce either Chlorobenzene or phenol.
(c ) Kolbe’s reaction:
This is a carboxylation chemical reaction.
This reaction proceeds by heating Sodium phenoxide with Carbon dioxide under the pressure of 100 atm and temperature of 125 degree Celsius.
After that, the product is treated with Sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
The final product is an aromatic hydroxy acid.
This acid is known as Salicylic acid.
(d) Reimer-Tieman reactionaction:
This reaction was discovered by Karl Reimer and Fredinand Tiemann.
This is a type of substitution reaction.
This reaction is used for the ortho-formylation of Phenols.
A common example of this reaction is the conversion of Phenol to Salicylaldehyde (2-hydroxy benzaldehyde).