Write a diary entry in 80 – 100 words about how you enjoyed the celebration of your birthday last week when several friends and relatives made the occasion lively and worth living.

A diary is an individual archive wherein an individual records their ordinary feelings, considerations, and opinions. You are allowed to expound on anything you pick, unafraid of being judged or condemned by others. It ought to be a protected and unlimited augmentation of your contemplations. A diary might be anything you maintain that it should be, and it ought to be where you can be totally legit.

Final Answer :

A Surprise Birthday Party
January 17, 2021
Sakshi’s drawing room

Dear Diary,
I got the best birthday surprise of my life last week. My mom had let me know that since we wouldn’t have the option to go out due to the lockdown, we would spend our birthday at home. Be that as it may, this was not the situation. On my birthday, I got up to see the whole home enhanced. This, as indicated by Dad, was done so I would be blissful at home. At the point when I heard the doorbell, I was having breakfast and playing with the toys that my folks had given me. Mum trained me to prepare since a few family members had shown up to hope everything works out for me.

I went into my room to change, and when I got back to the lounge, I saw that every one of my companions had assembled. I was thrilled to see all of them. It was the greatest shock of my life. Everybody had given me gifts, which were shown on the table. Following that, we cut the cake and everybody sang “Cheerful Birthday.” This was trailed by lunch and a few delightful treats made by Mom.

I’ll keep in touch with you not long from now to tell you about a portion of the astounding things I’ve gotten. Bye for the present.
