Write 10 lines on the usefulness of microorganisms in our lives.

Microorganisms have a very important role in our day to day lives in the household.
Bacteria Lactobacillus partially digests the milk protein and converts it into curd from milk.
For making dough of idli and dosa yeast is used.
Yeast is responsible for fermentation and is very useful in the brewing industry.
A fungus Penicillium notatum was the originator of the first antibiotic.
Many organic acids are produced by microorganisms, example : Acetobactor aceti gives acetic acid.
Microorganisms serve as biocontrol agents in organic farming, example: lady bird feeds over aphids.
Enzymes are produced from bacteria streptococcus such as streptokinase which are used to treat clots.
Plays very important role in sewage treatment plants.
Acts as biofertilizers, example: cyanobacteria in paddy fields.

Final Answer-
Thus microorganisms play a very important role in our lives, they are not only harmful for us in many cases they are very useful.