Why is irrigation necessary in India?

Irrigation is the process of supplying water to crop plants by canals, wells, reservoirs, tubewells and other techniques.
Importance of irrigation in India
It is important for a country like India where rainfall is seasonal. With the help of irrigation, cultivation can be done throughout the year and not during the rainy season only.
Apart from the uncertainty of monsoon, there are certain crops, such as rice, sugar cane, jute, cotton, and others that require more water and must be irrigated even in places with significant rainfall.
Rainwater slides down the slopes of hilly areas at a rapid rate. As a result, irrigation is required to grow crops in such areas.
Unlike alluvial and black soil, sandy and loamy soils are unable to retain water. As a result irrigation is necessary for farming in places with sandy and loamy soil.
Final answer:
Hence, these are the Importance of irrigation in India
It is important for a country like India where rainfall is seasonal. With the help of irrigation, cultivation can be done throughout the year and not during the rainy season only.
Apart from the uncertainty of monsoon, there are certain crops, such as rice, sugar cane, jute, cotton, and others that require more water and must be irrigated even in places with significant rainfall.
Rainwater slides down the slopes of hilly areas at a rapid rate. As a result, irrigation is required to grow crops in such areas.
Unlike alluvial and black soil, sandy and loamy soils are unable to retain water. As a result irrigation is necessary for farming in places with sandy and loamy soil.