Why do you think ordinary people were attracted to Bhakti?

The following are some of the reasons why ordinary people are drawn to bhakti:
In their sermons, Bhakti preachers employed “local languages.”
They emphasised the need of fundamental salvation approaches.
Prejudices based on caste, creed, colour, and gender were eliminated.
Bhakti attracted ordinary people because it was a form of devotion to a particular god, such as Shiva, Vishnu, or Durga.
It was unnecessary for the people to undertake elaborate religious or temple procedures.
The bhakti movement gave ordinary people their freedom of choice.
The temple was used for more than simply worship.
They might worship any deity they wished.
Simpler rules attracted bhakti devotees.

Final answer:

Hence, the ordinary people were attracted to Bhakti because Bhakti preachers employed local languages, emphasised the need of fundamental salvation approaches, they might worship any deity as per their wish, etc.