Who are involved in putting – out system? How is this system advantageous and disadvantageous for the weavers?

The putting-out system is a means of subcontracting work.
Weavers and merchants are the persons involved in the putting-out system.
This system is advantageous for the weavers in two ways:
They do not have to spend their money on the purchase of yarn.
They are free from the tension of selling the finished cloth in market.
In the following ways putting – out system can be disadvantageous for the weavers:
They have to depend on the merchants for raw materials as well as markets.
Under this system, the merchants become very powerful. They give orders for what is to be made and they pay a very low price for making the cloth.
The weavers have no way of knowing who they are making the cloth for or at what price it will be sold.
Final Answer: Weavers and merchants are the people involved in the putting out system. The main advantage of this system was they do not have to spend their money on the purchase of yarn. While the disadvantages are they have to be dependent on the merchants for the raw material.