Which are the two types of vitamin groups?

●     Fat-soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are those which are soluble in fats and then absorbed in the body. These vitamins if consumed in excess show a tendency to get stored in the body.

Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins.

●     Water-soluble vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are those which are soluble in water and absorbed by the body. Excess of these vitamins does not lead to their storage because they are easily excreted from the body along with water.

Vitamin B complex and C are water-soluble vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Types of fat-soluble vitamins include:

1.     Vitamin A

     What are the functions of vitamin A?

It promotes good eyesight and helps us see when bright light goes out. Due to Vitamin A, we are able to see objects around in dim light or during the night.

     What are the sources of vitamin A?

Among plant sources, vitamin A is present in yellow and orange vegetables, fruits, leafy vegetables and so on. Animal sources like fish and liver are also rich sources of vitamin A.

      Vitamin A deficiency

Lack of vitamin A in the diet leads to night blindness where people are unable to see at night or as darkness approaches.

2.     Vitamin D

     What are the functions of vitamin D?

Vitamin D is essential for normal growth and development of bones and teeth. It is also referred to as ‘Sunshine vitamin’, as the body synthesises or makes this vitamin in the presence of sunlight.

     What are the sources of vitamin D?

Food sources like fish, egg yolk, milk and dairy products help us gain vitamin D.

       Vitamin D deficiency

If the body doesn’t get enough vitamin D, then we are at a high risk of developing bone abnormalities. In children, vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets: that is soft and deformed bones. Adults usually suffer from osteomalacia, a condition that causes soft bones. Also, fragile bones, that is osteoporosis is seen in many individuals due to vitamin D deficiency.

  1. Vitamin E

–       What are the functions of vitamin E?

Vitamin E serves the most important function of protecting cells from any damage. It also removes harmful substances present in our body.

Vitamin E is capable of treating a wide range of problems of the heart, high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia, vision problems, skin issues and many more.

     What are the sources of vitamin E?

Vitamin E is found in various nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and seafood.

     Vitamin E deficiency

Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve and muscle damage that results in loss of feeling in the arms and legs, loss of body movement control, muscle weakness, and vision problems.

4.     Vitamin K

    What are the functions of vitamin K?

Blood has the tendency to ooze out whenever a person is wounded; and excessive bleeding can cause severe problems. Hence, putting an end to the bleeding is done by the clotting of blood at the wound site. Vitamin K helps gather all the other necessary factors for this process and participates in the clotting of blood.

   What are the sources of vitamin K?

Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables, almonds, fish, liver, eggs and many other sources.

      Vitamin K deficiency

If the diet does not provide enough vitamin K to the body, then bleeding doesn’t stop. Bleeding from gums and nose, heavy blood loss during injuries and even bruising are the common symptoms.