Which are the major physiographic divisions of India? Contrast the relief of the Himalayan region with that of the Peninsular plateau.

India’s physiographic divisions:-

(1) The Himalayan Mountains-
In the north, the Himalayas serve as sentinels.
The mountains of the Himalayas are separated into three main parallel ranges.
The Great Himalaya, also known as Himadri, is the highest mountain range in the world.
This range contains the world’s highest peaks.
Himachal, or the Middle Himalayas, is to the south of Himadri.
The Shiwalik Range is the farthest south.

(2) The Plains of Northern India-
It’s located to the south of the Himalayan Mountains.
They are normally flat and level.
These are fertile areas that are good for farming.

(3) The Great Indian Desert-
It is the largest desert in the world.
It is located in the country’s western region.
It’s a sand-covered swath of land.
Because of the little rainfall, there is relatively little vegetation here.

(4)The Peninsular Plateau-
On the peninsula, it is the highest point.
Its form is triangular.
It’s located south of the northern plains.
It has a very uneven relief.
There are numerous hill ranges and valleys in this area.
The Aravali hills are located to the northwest.
Other notable ranges include the Vindhyas and Satpuras.
These ranges are crossed by the Narmada and Tapi rivers.
The Arabian Sea is fed by these west-flowing rivers.
The Western Ghats, also known as Sahyadris, is located to the west of the plateau.
The Eastern Ghats are located to the east.
Minerals such as coal and iron ore abound on this plateau.

(5) Coastal plain-
They are located to the west and east of the Western and Eastern Ghats, respectively.
The east-flowing rivers Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri all enter the Bay of Bengal.
In their mouth, they’ve created fertile deltas.

(6) The Islands-
The country is made up of two groups of islands.
The Lakshadweep Islands are in the Arabian Sea, whereas the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are in the Bay of Bengal, to the southeast of the Indian mainland.

Final Answer:

India’s major physiographic divisions are as follows:

Mountains of the Himalayas
The Plains of the North
Deserts of India
Plains of the Coastal Plain
The Islands

The relief of the Himalayan region:-
(1) The Himalayan region:-
The Himalayas, geologically and structurally fold mountains that sweep across India’s northern borders, are geologically young and structurally fold mountains.
From the Indus to the Brahmaputra, these mountain ranges run west to east.
The Himalayas are the world’s highest and one of the most challenging mountain ranges.
Only a few minerals are found in the Himalayan region.

(2) The Peninsular plateau:-
It is a tableland made up of old crystalline, igneous, and metamorphic rocks.
The plateau has rounded hills and large and shallow valleys.
The minerals are stored in the Peninsular Plateau.