What were the main features of the Constitution of 1791?

A constitution is a collection of major standards or points of reference that establish the legal foundation of a commonwealth, association, or other type of element and, in most cases, determine how that substance is to be governed.
When these standards are recorded into a single report or set of authoritative archives, those reports are said to exemplify a written constitution; when they are encased in a solitary exhaustive archive, it is said to exemplify a systematised organisation.
The following were the fundamental features of the French Constitution of 1791:
Constitutional Monarchy: France became a constitutional monarchy as a result of the Constitution.
National Assembly: It was chosen in an unusual manner. It possessed the power to enact laws and to rule over the lord and the pastors.
Option to Vote: Only men over the age of 25 who paid fees equivalent to at least three days of worker’s compensation were granted the status of dynamic residents and were eligible for vote.
The excess men, as well as all women, children, and youth under the age of 25, were labelled as detached residents, with no democratic rights.
Power Distribution Among Institutions: As respectability and the church were stripped of their forces, the forces were divided among the various foundations.
The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen: The Rights of Man and Citizen were presented first in the Constitution.
It encompassed a variety of rights, such as the right to life, the right to free speech, the ability to assess, and balance under the careful eye of the law.

Final Answer:

The main features of 1791 Constitution:-
(i) France was established as a constitutional monarchy. The king’s powers were significantly reduced.
(ii) Instead of being concentrated in the hands of a single person, these powers were now divided and assigned to different institutions the legislature, executive, and judiciary. As a result, France became a constitutional monarchy.
(iii) The power to make laws was vested in the National Assembly by the Constitution of 1791, which was indirectly elected, i.e. citizens voted for a group of electors, who turn choose the Assembly.
(iv) Only men over the age of 25 who paid taxes equal to at least three days’ laborer’s wage were granted the right to vote. It denotes that they were involved citizens. All of the remaining men and women were labeled as passive citizens.
(v) To be eligible as an elector and then as a member of the assembly, a man had to be in the highest tax bracket.
(vi) The constitution began with a Declaration of Man’s and Citizen’s Rights. Rights such as the right to life, freedom of expression, freedom of opinion, and equality before the law are now available to every human being by birth