What is the time difference between India and Canada?

Canada spans multiple time zones, and the time difference with India can vary depending on the specific locations in both countries. Canada has six primary time zones: Pacific Standard Time (PST), Mountain Standard Time (MST), Central Standard Time (CST), Eastern Standard Time (EST), Atlantic Standard Time (AST), and Newfoundland Standard Time (NST).

Here are approximate time differences between India (Indian Standard Time – IST) and different parts of Canada during standard time (not accounting for daylight saving time changes):

Pacific Standard Time (PST):

Time Difference: India is approximately 13.5 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Mountain Standard Time (MST):

Time Difference: India is approximately 12.5 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time (MST).
Central Standard Time (CST):

Time Difference: India is approximately 11.5 hours ahead of Central Standard Time (CST).
Eastern Standard Time (EST):

Time Difference: India is approximately 10.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Atlantic Standard Time (AST):

Time Difference: India is approximately 9.5 hours ahead of Atlantic Standard Time (AST).
Note: The time differences mentioned are approximate and can vary slightly depending on daylight saving time changes, which are observed in some parts of Canada. Additionally, some regions in Canada may follow different time zones or daylight saving time rules. It’s always recommended to check the current time difference based on the specific locations within India and Canada.