What is the structure of a typical flower?

A flower has four parts: pistil, stamen, petals, and sepals.

Parts of a flower


The female reproductive part of a flower is called the Pistil. It has three parts, stigma, style and ovary.

  • Stigma – The sticky part on the top of the pistil
  • Style – Slender tube-like structure in the middle of the pistil
  • Ovary – The bulging part at the bottom of the pistil
  • Stamen

The male reproductive part of a flower is called the Stamen. It has two parts: filament and anther.

  • Filament – The long slender stalk of the stamen that is connected to anther
  • Anther – The bag-like structure on top of the stamen that contains microscopic structures called pollen grains

●     Petals

The vibrant and colourful part of the flower is called Petal. The main function of petals is to attract birds and insects for pollination.

●     Sepals

The green coloured structures present at the lower side of the flower are called Sepals.