What is the Menstrual Cycle?

  • A female experiences a bleeding phase in her life called the Menstrual
  • Reproduction in females requires an egg cell as the female The process of release of the egg cells (ova) from ovaries is called Ovulation. The reproduction will be possible only when egg cells are released.
  • The ovaries will have a fixed number of immature egg cells stored inside them since However, only on the onset of puberty, the egg cells are released one after the other. This will stop when the number of egg cells will come to an end. This phase is the reproductive phase in females.
  • The commencing point of this phase is the Menarche and the occurrence differs from one female to the other. However, the average age range to expect Menarche is around 12 to 14
  • The time when this phase terminates is called This time is also different in females but the average period is between 45 to 50 years.
  • When one of the ovaries has released an egg cell, it goes straight to the fallopian tube and then moves
  • If this egg gets fertilised, then the foetus will need a proper location for placental attachment. For this, a proper thick cushion layer made up of cells is formed inside the uterus called the Endometrium.



  • If the egg is not fertilised, the endometrium also collapses and gets out of the body through the vagina along with the

Difference when the egg is not fertilised and when it is fertilised

Difference when the egg is not fertilised and when it is fertilised

  • For almost 4 to 5 days every month, a female experiences a bleeding The bleeding is through the vagina and it contains the unfertilised ovum, the cells of the endometrium, and the blood.
  • This is called the Menstrual fluid and the process is called Menstruation.
  • The entire process occurs in a cyclic manner that lasts for 28-30 days. The ovulation and building up of the endometrium are followed by the collapsing of endometrium in case fertilisation does not This gives rise to the discharge of the menstrual fluid through the vagina.
  • This entire cycle is called the Menstrual Cycle.

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle


Reproductive Phase The time period in which humans are capable of reproduction is called the Reproductive Phase.

  • Males can reproduce throughout their lives.
  • Females cannot reproduce throughout their lives.
Menstrual Cycle
  • For almost 4-5 days every month, a female experiences a bleeding phase called Menstruation.
  • The bleeding is through the vagina and it contains the unfertilised ovum, the cells of endometrium and blood. This is called Menstrual fluid.
  • The entire process occurs in a cyclic manner that lasts for 28-30 days and is called the Menstrual Cycle.

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