What is the Golgi Apparatus?

The Golgi apparatus carries out the tasks of packaging and transportation of certain molecules in the cell.

The apparatus is named after Camillo Golgi who was the first to describe the Golgi apparatus.

Golgi apparatus

What does the Golgi apparatus look like?

  • The Golgi apparatus looks like deflated balloons placed parallel to each other. These deflated tube-like structures are called Cisterns.
  • They are all bound by a
  • These tubes are connected to the endoplasmic reticulum because the materials synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum need to be packed and sent to different
  • There are many globular structures which surround the They are called Vesicles.

functions of the Golgi apparatus

What are the functions of the Golgi apparatus?

  • A simple protein molecule goes into the Golgi body through the endoplasmic
  • It will get into the cisterns through one of the vesicles and will then pass through the cisterns and get modified.
  • The protein will then be sent to the target destination once the packaging is
  • Thus, Golgi apparatus is the cell organelle which stores, modifies and packages the substances sent by the endoplasmic
  • They are also useful in the formation of Lysosomes.


Golgi apparatus The modification and packaging unit of the cell is called the Golgi Apparatus.
Parts of Golgi apparatus Cisterns


Functions of Golgi apparatus Storage



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