What is the function of receptors in our body? Think of situations where receptors do not work properly. What problems are likely to arise?

Receptors are cells that detect changes in an animal’s external and internal environment’s chemical and physical characteristics.
Mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, pain receptors, chemoreceptors, and photoreceptors are the most common types of sensory receptors.
Sensory receptor stimulation causes a nerve impulse to go through the CNS (brain/spinal cord), where sensory information is integrated and interpreted.
The reaction is then generated by relaying motor impulses from the CNS to the effector organ in response to the stimuli.
The external stimulus will not be able to excite receptors if they are not functioning properly, and no nerve impulse will be generated.
As a result, the body would be unable to respond to changes in the environment.

Final Answer : Receptors can be found in every region of our body, including the skin, eyes, nose, and tongue. They detect the impulses and transmit them to the brain as electrical signals. If these receptors are destroyed, they will be unable to detect input, causing injury to our bodies in harmful situations.