What is the difference between verification and validation?

Verification and validation are two distinct processes in the field of software engineering and quality assurance, and they serve different purposes in ensuring the reliability and correctness of a system. Here are five key differences between verification and validation:


Verification: The primary goal of verification is to check whether the product or system has been designed and implemented correctly. It involves a set of activities that ensure that the software design and implementation align with the specified requirements.
Validation: Validation, on the other hand, aims to evaluate the final product to ensure that it meets the customer’s expectations and requirements. It is concerned with assessing whether the end product satisfies the intended use in its specific environment.
Timing in the Software Development Lifecycle:

Verification: Verification activities are typically performed during the early stages of the software development lifecycle. This includes activities such as reviews, inspections, and walkthroughs to check design documents, code, and other artifacts.
Validation: Validation activities are generally conducted during the later stages of the software development lifecycle, particularly during testing phases. It involves executing the software to identify defects and ensure that it meets user expectations.


Verification: The focus of verification is on the processes used to develop the software. It ensures that each development phase adheres to the requirements and standards set for that phase.
Validation: The focus of validation is on the product itself. It aims to assess whether the final software product meets the user’s needs, expectations, and the specified requirements.

Activities Involved:

Verification: Verification activities include inspections, reviews, and static analysis of documents and code. It ensures that the software is being built correctly according to the design specifications.
Validation: Validation activities involve dynamic testing, such as system testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing, to assess the software’s behavior and functionality under various conditions.

Who is Involved:

Verification: Verification activities often involve the development team and may include project managers, designers, and developers. The goal is to ensure that the development process follows established standards and guidelines.
Validation: Validation activities typically involve end-users, stakeholders, and quality assurance teams. The focus is on evaluating the software’s functionality, usability, and performance from the perspective of the end user.
In summary, while verification focuses on ensuring that the development process is followed correctly and adheres to specifications, validation focuses on assessing the final product’s compliance with user requirements and expectations. Both processes are crucial for delivering high-quality software.