What is the difference between training and development?

Training and development are two distinct but interrelated processes aimed at enhancing the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees within an organization. Here are five key differences between training and development:

Focus and Scope:

Training: Training typically has a narrower focus and is more specific in its scope. It aims to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their current job responsibilities more effectively. Training often addresses immediate job needs and is task-oriented.
Development: Development has a broader and more long-term focus. It aims to prepare employees for future responsibilities and career advancement within the organization. Development activities focus on building capabilities that go beyond current job requirements, such as leadership skills and strategic thinking.

Time Frame:

Training: Training is often a short-term process that focuses on immediate needs. It is designed to quickly enhance specific skills and can be completed in a relatively brief time frame.
Development: Development is a more extended process that spans a more extended period. It involves activities that contribute to employees’ long-term growth and readiness for future roles, and it may involve ongoing learning experiences.


Training: The primary purpose of training is to bridge the gap between current skills and the skills required for effective job performance. It is geared toward improving employees’ proficiency in their existing roles.
Development: The primary purpose of development is to foster overall employee growth and prepare individuals for future roles and responsibilities. Development initiatives aim to enhance employees’ potential for career advancement within the organization.


Training: Training is often job-specific and focused on immediate work-related tasks. It is applied to enhance employees’ capabilities in their current roles.
Development: Development is more general and transferable. It focuses on building skills and competencies that can be applied across various roles and functions within the organization.

Measuring Success:

Training: Success in training is often measured by improvements in specific job-related skills, increased efficiency, or the successful completion of tasks. Key performance indicators may include metrics related to job performance.
Development: Success in development is measured by the individual’s overall growth, readiness for higher-level responsibilities, and the ability to contribute to the organization’s long-term goals. Success may be evaluated through assessments of leadership potential, strategic thinking, and adaptability.
In summary, training is a more immediate and job-specific process focused on current responsibilities, while development is a broader, long-term process aimed at preparing individuals for future roles and career progression within the organization. Both training and development are crucial for building a skilled and adaptable workforce.