What is the difference between structure and union?

In programming languages like C and C++, structures and unions are used for grouping variables of different data types under a single name. However, they have distinct characteristics. Here are five key differences between structures and unions:

 Memory Allocation:

Memory Allocation: In a structure, each member (variable) has its own separate memory space. The total memory allocated for a structure is the sum of the memory required by its individual members.

Memory Allocation: In a union, all members share the same memory space. The memory allocated for a union is equal to the size of its largest member. This means that only one member can be actively used at a time.
Data Storage:

Data Storage: Each member in a structure retains its own value independently. Changes to one member do not affect the values of other members.

Data Storage: Since all members share the same memory space in a union, modifying the value of one member can impact the values of other members. Only one member can be actively used at any given time.

Size: The size of a structure is the sum of the sizes of its individual members. Each member has its own memory space.

Size: The size of a union is determined by the size of its largest member because all members share the same memory space.
 Member Access:

Member Access: Each member in a structure can be accessed independently. Members are accessed using the dot (.) operator.

Member Access: Only one member of a union can be accessed at a time. Members are accessed using the dot (.) operator, similar to structures, but only the active member contains valid data.
Use Cases:

Use Cases: Structures are commonly used when there is a need to group related data that should be accessible independently. For example, a structure might be used to represent information about a person (name, age, address).

Use Cases: Unions are useful when memory efficiency is critical, and only one member needs to be active at a given time. Unions are often used in scenarios where different types of data share the same memory space.
In summary, structures and unions are used to group variables together, but they differ in terms of memory allocation, data storage, size, member access, and use cases. Structures provide independent memory space for each member, while unions share the same memory space among members. The choice between structures and unions depends on the specific requirements of the program or application.