What is the difference between percentage and percentile?

Percentage and percentile are both statistical concepts, but they are used in different contexts and have distinct meanings. Here are five key differences between percentage and percentile:


Definition: A percentage is a fraction of 100. It represents a proportion or ratio expressed on a scale of 100. Percentages are often used to express the relative size or amount of one quantity in relation to a whole.

Definition: A percentile is a statistical measure that represents the relative position of a particular value within a dataset. It indicates the percentage of data points below a specific value in a distribution.

Calculation: The percentage is calculated by taking a part of the whole and expressing it as a fraction of 100. The formula for calculating the percentage is:
Percentage =(
Part Whole) × 100 Percentage=(Whole Part )×100
Calculation: Percentiles are calculated by dividing a dataset into 100 equal parts and identifying the position of a particular data point within that distribution. Percentiles range from 0 to 100, and the 50th percentile is the median.

Representation: Percentages are often represented by the symbol “%”. For example, a value of 0.75 can be expressed as 75%.

Representation: Percentiles are represented by the term “percentile” followed by a specific number. For instance, the 75th percentile represents the value below which 75% of the data falls.

Usage: Percentages are commonly used in everyday contexts to express proportions, ratios, and comparisons. They are used in finance, academics, statistics, and various other fields.

Usage: Percentiles are used in statistics to describe the relative standing of a particular data point within a dataset. They are often employed in tests and assessments to understand how individual scores compare to the overall distribution.

Example: If a student answered 30 questions correctly out of a total of 40, the percentage of correct answers would be (3040) ×100 =75% ( 4030)×100=75%.
Example: If a student scored in the 80th percentile on a standardized test, it means that their score is higher than 80% of the scores in the test’s distribution.
In summary, percentages are used to express ratios or proportions out of 100, while percentiles indicate the relative position of a particular value within a dataset, expressed as a percentage of the total. They serve different purposes in different contexts, with percentages being more general and percentiles providing specific information about the distribution of data.