What is the difference between paging and segmentation?

Paging and segmentation are memory management schemes used in computer operating systems to organize and allocate memory for processes. They have different approaches to managing memory, and here are the key differences between paging and segmentation:


Division of Memory:

Paging: Divides physical memory into fixed-size blocks called pages. Similarly, the logical memory is divided into fixed-size blocks known as page frames.

Unit of Transfer:

Paging: The unit of transfer between main memory and secondary storage is a page. Pages are swapped in and out of main memory.


Paging: Uses a simple and linear addressing scheme. Logical addresses are split into a page number and an offset within that page.


Paging: Reduces external fragmentation, as it allocates memory in fixed-size blocks, and the memory is allocated in contiguous page frames.


Paging: Implemented through a page table, which maps logical page numbers to physical page frames. The page table is managed by the operating system.


Paging: If the page size is 4 KB, and a process requires 12 KB of memory, it would be divided into three pages, each 4 KB in size.


Division of Memory:

Segmentation: Divides both physical and logical memory into variable-sized blocks called segments. Each segment represents a logical unit, such as a procedure or data structure.

Unit of Transfer:

Segmentation: The unit of transfer between main memory and secondary storage is a segment. Segments are swapped in and out of main memory.


Segmentation: Uses a more complex addressing scheme. Logical addresses consist of a segment number and an offset within that segment.


Segmentation: May lead to external fragmentation, as segments can be of varying sizes, and free memory may become scattered.


Segmentation: Implemented through a segment table, which maps logical segment numbers to physical addresses. The segment table is managed by the operating system.


Segmentation: In a programming environment, a process might consist of code, data, and stack segments, each with different sizes.

Combined Approach:

Paging and Segmentation: Some systems use a combination of both paging and segmentation. This approach, known as “paged segmentation” or “segmented paging,” aims to combine the advantages of both schemes.


Paging: Divides memory into fixed-size pages, simplifying addressing and reducing fragmentation.

Segmentation: Divides memory into variable-sized segments, allowing for a more flexible organization but potentially leading to fragmentation.

Both paging and segmentation aim to efficiently manage memory and provide isolation between processes in a multi-programming environment. The choice between them depends on factors like the nature of applications, the memory allocation requirements, and the specific characteristics of the system.