What is the difference between orange and tangerine?

Oranges and tangerines are both citrus fruits, but they have some differences. Here are five distinctions between the two:

Size and Appearance:

Oranges are typically larger than tangerines. They have a round or oval shape and can vary in size, with a diameter ranging from about 2 to 4 inches.

Tangerines are generally smaller and easier to peel. They are often more flattened in shape compared to oranges.

Skin Texture:

Oranges typically have a thicker and rougher skin compared to tangerines. The outer peel of an orange can be harder to peel compared to the looser, thinner skin of a tangerine.

Flavor Profile:

Oranges and tangerines have slightly different flavor profiles. Oranges tend to have a sweet and tart flavor, while tangerines are often sweeter and less acidic. Tangerines may also have a more distinct floral or spicy aroma.


Oranges encompass a broader category of citrus fruits, including varieties like navel oranges, Valencia oranges, and blood oranges.

Tangerines, on the other hand, are a specific type of mandarin orange. Common varieties of tangerines include Clementines and Satsumas.

Seed Content:

Oranges can vary in seed content. Some varieties are seedless, while others may contain seeds.

Tangerines, especially popular varieties like Clementines, are often seedless or contain fewer seeds compared to many oranges.

It’s important to note that the terms “orange” and “tangerine” are sometimes used interchangeably in casual conversation, and there can be variations in the characteristics of different varieties within each category. Additionally, regional and cultural differences may influence how these terms are used.