What is the difference between OOP and POP?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Procedural Programming (POP) are two different paradigms for organizing and structuring code. Here are five key differences between OOP and POP:

Basic Unit of Organization:

OOP: In OOP, the basic unit of organization is the “object.” An object is an instance of a class and encapsulates data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on that data. Objects can have properties and behaviors, and the focus is on modeling real-world entities.
POP: In POP, the basic unit of organization is the “procedure” or “function.” The program is structured as a series of procedures or routines that are executed sequentially. Data is often shared among procedures through parameters and global variables.


OOP: Encapsulation is a key principle in OOP, where data and the methods that operate on that data are encapsulated within a class. This encapsulation provides a way to hide the internal details of an object and expose only the necessary functionalities.
POP: Encapsulation is less emphasized in POP. Data is typically defined globally or passed explicitly between procedures as parameters.


OOP: Inheritance is a fundamental concept in OOP that allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class. It promotes code reuse and the creation of a hierarchy of classes.
POP: Inheritance is not a primary concept in POP. Code reuse is achieved through the use of functions and procedures, but there is no inherent mechanism for creating class hierarchies.


OOP: Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class. This enables the use of a single interface to represent various types of objects.
POP: Polymorphism in the procedural paradigm is typically achieved through function overloading or the use of generic functions. It is not as integral a concept as it is in OOP.
State Management:

OOP: Objects in OOP have both state (data) and behavior (methods). The state is often maintained within the object, and methods can modify this state. Objects are instances of classes, and the class defines the structure and behavior of the object.
POP: In POP, state is typically managed using variables that are passed between procedures. Each procedure operates on data, and the data may be stored in variables with global or local scope.
In practice, the choice between OOP and POP depends on the nature of the problem being solved and the design goals of the software. OOP is often favored for its ability to model real-world entities and promote code organization, reuse, and maintenance. POP may be more suitable for smaller projects or situations where simplicity and procedural clarity are priorities.