What is the difference between management and administration?

Management and administration are terms often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings and functions within an organization. Here are five key differences between management and administration:


Focus: Management is primarily concerned with the implementation of policies and decisions made by the administration. It involves planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources to achieve organizational goals.

Focus: Administration is focused on making decisions, setting policies, and defining the objectives of the organization. It deals with the overall coordination and direction of organizational activities.


Decision-Making: Managers are involved in the execution of decisions made by administrators. They make decisions related to day-to-day operations, resource allocation, and achieving specific targets.

Decision-Making: Administrators are involved in strategic decision-making. They set the vision, mission, and long-term goals of the organization, influencing the overall direction and policies.

 Nature of Work:

Nature of Work: Management involves executing plans, organizing teams, coordinating activities, and ensuring that organizational objectives are met efficiently.

Nature of Work: Administration involves policy formulation, strategic planning, and providing direction to the organization. It deals with broader aspects related to the overall functioning and success of the organization.

Level of Authority:

Level of Authority: Management operates at lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. Managers have specific responsibilities for overseeing departments, teams, or projects.

Level of Authority: Administration operates at the higher levels of the organizational hierarchy. Administrators, such as CEOs or top executives, have authority over the entire organization and its major decisions.


Scope: Management deals with the execution of plans and policies within the framework set by administration. It is concerned with achieving specific objectives and ensuring efficiency.

Scope: Administration has a broader scope and is concerned with formulating policies, setting goals, and providing a vision for the organization. It establishes the overall framework within which management operates.
In summary, while management involves the execution and implementation of plans to achieve specific goals, administration focuses on policy formulation, decision-making at a strategic level, and providing direction to the organization as a whole. Both functions are crucial for the effective functioning of an organization, with management addressing operational aspects and administration guiding the organization’s overall direction.