What is the difference between library and framework?

“Library” and “framework” are terms used in software development, and while they share similarities, they have distinct roles and functionalities. Here are the key differences between a library and a framework:



Library: A library is a collection of pre-written code or functions that can be used by applications to perform specific tasks. It provides reusable modules or components that developers can incorporate into their code.

Control Flow:

Library: The control flow of the application remains with the developer. Developers explicitly call functions from the library when needed.

Inversion of Control (IoC):

Library: The application remains in control of the flow of execution. The developer decides when and how to use the library’s functionality.


Library: Offers more flexibility to developers, as they can use specific components as needed without being bound to a specific structure or architecture.


Library: jQuery in JavaScript is a library. Developers can use jQuery functions for DOM manipulation, event handling, and other tasks without being constrained by a particular application structure.



Framework: A framework is a more comprehensive and structured set of tools, libraries, and conventions designed to assist developers in building applications. It often includes predefined architectures and control flow patterns.

Control Flow:

Framework: The control flow is often dictated by the framework. Developers build their applications within the structure provided by the framework, and the framework’s code calls specific functions from the application code.

Inversion of Control (IoC):

Framework: Involves the Inversion of Control principle. The framework controls the flow, and the developer’s code fills in the details. Developers provide implementations for specific parts of the framework.


Framework: Provides a more structured environment with predefined rules and conventions. While it offers some flexibility, developers need to adhere to the overall architecture defined by the framework.


Framework: Ruby on Rails is a framework for building web applications. It provides a predefined structure, conventions, and tools for building web applications, and developers build within this framework.


Library: A collection of functions or modules that developers can use as needed. Control remains with the developer, who decides when and how to use the library’s functionality.

Framework: A comprehensive set of tools, libraries, and conventions that provides a structured environment for building applications. Control flow is often dictated by the framework, and developers build within the framework’s structure.

In practice, developers may use both libraries and frameworks in a single project. They use libraries for specific functionalities and frameworks to provide an overall structure and set of conventions for building an application.