What is the difference between get and post?

In the context of web development and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), “GET” and “POST” are two different methods used to request and send data between a client and a server. Here are five key differences between the GET and POST methods:

Data Transmission:

GET: Data is appended to the URL and is visible in the browser’s address bar. The data is part of the URL itself, making it easy to bookmark or share. However, there is a limitation on the amount of data that can be sent, and sensitive information should not be included in the URL.
POST: Data is sent in the body of the HTTP request, not visible in the URL. This makes it a more secure method for transmitting sensitive information, as the data is not exposed in the address bar.


GET: Less secure for sensitive data because the data is visible in the URL, and URLs can be logged by various systems (e.g., browser history, server logs). It’s suitable for non-sensitive information retrieval.
POST: More secure for transmitting sensitive information as the data is not exposed in the URL. It’s suitable for actions that may modify data on the server.


GET: Requests can be cached by the browser, as they are part of the URL. This can improve performance for subsequent requests, but it might lead to security concerns if sensitive information is cached.
POST: Requests are not cached by default. This ensures that sensitive data sent via POST is not stored on the client side, addressing potential security issues.


GET: Considered idempotent, meaning multiple identical requests should have the same effect as a single request. Retrieving data or performing read-only operations with GET should not change the server’s state.
POST: Not necessarily idempotent. Each request can have different effects, especially if it involves actions that modify data on the server. For example, submitting a form that adds a new record to a database.

Use Cases:

GET: Used for retrieving data from the server. It is suitable for safe and idempotent operations, such as fetching a webpage, an image, or other resources.
POST: Used for submitting data to be processed to a specified resource. It is suitable for operations that may cause a state change on the server, such as submitting a form, creating a new resource, or updating an existing resource.
Understanding the differences between GET and POST is crucial for developers when designing web applications and APIs to ensure that the appropriate method is used for different types of interactions with the server.