What is the difference between equity and equality?

Equity and equality are concepts often used in discussions about fairness, justice, and social issues. Here are five key differences between equity and equality:


Equity: Refers to the fairness and justice in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges. It recognizes that individuals may have different needs and circumstances and aims to address those differences to ensure fairness.

Equality: Refers to the state of being equal, especially in rights, opportunities, and status. It implies treating everyone the same, regardless of individual differences or needs.


Equity: Focuses on providing individuals with what they need to achieve a fair outcome, acknowledging that different individuals may require different levels of support or resources to reach the same goal.

Equality: Focuses on treating everyone the same, providing equal opportunities and treatment without considering individual differences or varying needs.

Outcome vs. Treatment:

Equity: Emphasizes achieving fair outcomes, even if it requires differential treatment or allocation of resources based on individual needs or circumstances.

Equality: Emphasizes equal treatment and opportunities, often without considering the varying needs or starting points of individuals, which may result in unequal outcomes.


Equity: Picture an image of individuals of different heights trying to watch a baseball game over a fence. Equity would involve providing them with different-sized boxes to stand on, ensuring that each person has an unobstructed view based on their height.

Equality: Picture the same individuals given identical boxes regardless of their height. Equality would mean treating everyone the same by providing the same resources, but it may result in unequal outcomes in terms of visibility.

Long-Term vs. Short-Term:

Equity: Often requires addressing systemic issues, addressing root causes, and considering long-term solutions to achieve lasting fairness.

Equality: Focuses on immediate, equal treatment without necessarily addressing underlying disparities or structural inequalities.

In summary, while both equity and equality aim to promote fairness, they differ in their approaches. Equity recognizes and addresses individual differences to achieve fair outcomes, while equality focuses on treating everyone the same, potentially leading to unequal results when individual circumstances are not considered.