What is the difference between algorithm and flowchart?

Algorithm and flowchart are both tools used in computer science and programming to design and represent the step-by-step process of solving a problem. Here are five key differences between an algorithm and a flowchart:


Algorithm: An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions or rules to solve a specific problem or perform a particular task. It is a high-level description of the logic required to solve a problem.

Flowchart: A flowchart is a visual representation of an algorithm using different shapes and arrows to illustrate the flow of control in a program. It provides a graphical overview of the logic and structure of the algorithm.


Algorithm: Algorithms are typically represented using natural language, pseudocode, or a programming language. They are expressed in a way that is easily understandable by humans and can be translated into actual code.

Flowchart: Flowcharts use symbols and shapes to represent different elements of a program, such as start and end points, processes, decisions, and connectors. It provides a visual representation of the steps and their relationships.

Level of Detail:

Algorithm: Algorithms can be expressed at different levels of detail, ranging from a high-level description of the overall process to a more detailed, step-by-step breakdown of individual operations.

Flowchart: Flowcharts offer a visual representation that can vary in terms of detail. They can provide a high-level overview or include detailed information about each step, depending on the complexity of the process being depicted.


Algorithm: Algorithms are often used as a blueprint for writing code in a specific programming language. They serve as a guide for the implementation of the solution to a problem.

Flowchart: Flowcharts are used for visualizing and communicating the structure of an algorithm. They are particularly helpful in explaining the logic of a program to individuals who may not be familiar with programming languages.


Algorithm: Algorithms can be expressed in various ways, including prose, pseudocode, or specific programming languages. This allows for flexibility in how the solution is described.

Flowchart: Flowcharts provide a standardized visual representation, which can be beneficial for communication but may be less flexible than a textual description when it comes to expressing complex algorithms.

In practice, algorithms and flowcharts are often used together. Programmers may start by designing an algorithm in pseudocode or natural language and then create a flowchart to provide a visual representation of the process before translating it into actual code. Both tools are essential for effective problem-solving and communication in the field of computer science.