What is the capital of Uttar Pradesh

The capital city is Lucknow, located in the west-central region of the state. The area covers 93,933 square miles (243,286 square kilometers).

FAQs Capital of Uttar Pradesh

Q1 What is the real capital of Punjab?

ANS : The real capital of Punjab is Chandigarh.

Q2 Are Punjab and Haryana the same state?

ANS : No, Punjab and Haryana are two different states in India.

Q3 What is the joint capital of Punjab and Haryana?

ANS : The joint capital of Punjab and Haryana is Chandigarh.

Q4 What is the old name of Punjab?

ANS : The old name of Punjab is not commonly known by a different name, but historically, the region was part of the larger area known as the Punjab Province during British rule.