What is the basis of Modern Periodic law ?

We must understand that the atomic numbers define the properties of the element and its compounds according to contemporary periodic law.
After putting atomic atoms, identical electronics are conducted after a predictable interval.
Elements are grouped in the modern periodic table according to their increasing atomic number, Z.
This is the foundation of Modern Periodic Law.
The modern periodic table, often known as the extended version, is based on contemporary periodic law.
The table is an arrangement of elements in ascending atomic number order.
The periodic table in its current form is known as the contemporary periodic table.
There are 18 vertical columns and 7 horizontal rows.
In the contemporary or long form of the periodic table, groups are the vertical columns.
We must remember that in the current or long form of the periodic table, the periods are the horizontal rows.

Final Answer:

The characteristics of elements and their compounds are a periodic function of their atomic numbers, according to modern periodic law. When elements are arranged by atomic number, comparable electrical configurations are repeated at regular intervals. As a result, elements are ordered in the periodic table by increasing atomic number, Z.