What is Potential Appraisal? How does it measure?

Potential Appraisal :

It is the process of measuring a property’s potential to generate income.
A potential appraisal is usually conducted as part of an appraisal report and is used to indicate how much money you can make from your property if it is leased out.

Measures of potential appraisal :

Potential appraisal uses industry-accepted formulas based on current market conditions, such as vacancy rates, rental prices, and lease terms.

Final answer :

Potential Appraisal :

It is the process of measuring a property’s potential to generate income.
A potential appraisal is usually conducted as part of an appraisal report and is used to indicate how much money you can make from your property if it is leased out.

Measures of potential appraisal :

Potential appraisal uses industry-accepted formulas based on current market conditions, such as vacancy rates, rental prices, and lease terms.