What is meant by speciation? list four factors that could lead to speciations. Which of these cannot be a major factor in the speciation of a self-pollinating plant species. Give a reason to justify your answer.

The formation of two or more new species from the existing species is known as speciation.
Factors that can influence speciation are-
a. Reproductive isolation
b. Geographical isolation
c. Genetic drift
d. Natural selection
e. Reduction in gene flow.
In the case of self-pollinating flowers, a geographical or physical barrier is not possible.
In self-pollinating flowers, either they have morphological changes to perform self-pollination or they are not dependent on another flower for pollen grains.

Final Answer-

The formation of new species is known as speciation, physical or reproductive barrier and other factors can cause speciation.
Self-pollinating flowers use their pollen grains so the barrier cannot stop pollination.