What is meant by Consumer Protection? State any three points of importance of Consumer Protection from the consumer’s point of view.

Consumer Protection :

Consumer Protection is a law that protects the rights of consumers in the marketplace.
This law ensures that the sellers or agents do not exploit consumers.
The three points of importance of Consumer Protection from the consumer’s point of view are as follows:

1. Protection against fraud:
A consumer must not be defrauded by any seller or agent.

2. Protection against adulteration:
The goods sold must be pure and unadulterated. If any contaminant is found in any product, it should be stopped, as it can prove fatal to human life.

3. Protection against exploitation:
The consumer must not be exploited by any seller or seller’s agent at any cost. They must get the total value of the money spent on purchasing goods or services.

Final answer :

Consumer Protection :

Consumer Protection is a law that protects the rights of consumers in the marketplace.
This law ensures that the sellers or agents do not exploit consumers.
The three points of importance of Consumer Protection from the consumer’s point of view are as follows:

1. Protection against fraud:
A consumer must not be defrauded by any seller or agent.

2. Protection against adulteration:
The goods sold must be pure and unadulterated. If any contaminant is found in any product, it should be stopped, as it can prove fatal to human life.

3. Protection against exploitation:
The consumer must not be exploited by any seller or seller’s agent at any cost. They must get the total value of the money spent on purchasing goods or services.