What is manure? Explain any three types of manures

Manure is a substance which leads to an enhancement in the fertility of the soil. It includes all the animals droppings or animal dung.
The three types of manures are:
Green manure: It is composed of the the crops grown for obtaining manure and also the the wastages from green products obtained from the households which are decomposed in a landfill to give manure. Example: Sun hemp, vegetable peels, etc.
Human manure: It consists of human excreta, which is treated to give manure. Example: human feces mixed with antibiotics, hormones and endocrine disruptors.
Animal manure: It includes the waste from animals such as animal excreta or dung, which is used to make manure. Example: Cattle, horse dung.
Final Answer
Hence, manure and its various types are defined above.