What is electrostatic force?

Electrostatic force is like a magnet’s pull, but for things that have an electric charge instead of just being made of metal. When objects have opposite charges (one is positive, the other negative), they attract each other, just like how magnets attract. But if they have the same charge (both positive or both negative), they push away from each other, like trying to put together the same sides of two magnets. That push or pull is what we call electrostatic force.

What is Attractive Electrostatic Force?

When a balloon is rubbed with the woollen cloth for some time, the balloon acquires an electrostatic charge. When this charged balloon is brought close to another uncharged balloon, both the balloons move towards each other. This is Attractive electrostatic force.

Force of Attraction

What is Repulsive electrostatic force?

When two balloons, having an electrostatic charge are brought together, they move away from each other. This is a Repulsive electrostatic force.

Force of Repulsion

Let us consider another example.

Electrostatic Force Example

If we rub our hair with the comb for some time and bring that comb near some small pieces of paper, the pieces of paper get attracted to the comb.

This is because when we rub our hair with the comb, it acquires some electrostatic charge. And the pieces of paper were uncharged. This leads to an interaction between the electrostatic charge of the comb and the uncharged pieces of paper, causing them to attract.


Electrostatic Force Force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body
Force of Attraction Force between a charged and an uncharged body
Force of Repulsion Force between two charged bodies

Did you know?

The Nuclear force is considered as a non-contact force. The range of this force is very small but it is the strongest of all.

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