What is Electricity?

What are Atoms?

  • Atoms are the most basic building blocks of the matter that make up the molecules, which in turn make up an
  • They are made up of protons, neutrons, and
  • The protons and the neutrons are densely packed in the nucleus and the electrons orbit around the
  • Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged, and neutrons are neutral and have no charge.

What is Electricity?

An atom

                              An atom

  • Electricity is the flow of electrons which is caused due to electrostatic force. It is the force that operates between charged
  • An atom consists of various orbits which have electrons in it. The charge of protons keeps the electrons glued to the atom. The closer the electrons to the nucleus, the more strongly they are attracted to the centre as compared to the electrons in the outer orbits. Also, the electrons repel each
  • When a negatively charged electron is close to an atom, it repels the electron in the outermost orbit. Because of this repelling force, the electron will be ejected from the orbit and becomes a free electron. This free electron may get pulled to the orbit of a new
  • This incoming electron then repels the electron of this new atom and ejects it from the orbit.
  • So the same process repeats with the next atom and a continuous flow of electric charge is established, which is the constant flow of