What is an electromagnet? Name two factors on which the strength of magnetic field of an electromagnet depends and state how does it depend on the factors stated by you.

When the current is turned on and a soft iron bar is inserted within the solenoid, the iron bar gets briefly magnetic.
The electromagnet works on this principle.
The current running through the coil determines the electromagnet’s strength; the higher the current, the stronger the electromagnet.
Because the current increases, more electrons pass through the system, increasing the magnetic field around it.
The amount of turns in the coils determines the strength; the more coils, the stronger.
This is because as the number of coils increases, the magnetic field becomes more homogeneous and hence stronger.
Whether the magnetic substance used in the core is soft or firm.
Hard magnetic materials such as steel magnetise more slowly than soft iron cores.

Final answer:

Hence, an electromagnet is explained above.