What is a Force?

Types of Actions

We can categorize actions into two basic types: Pushing and Pulling.

When we open a drawer, we are simply pulling the knob of the drawer to open it. Similarly, when we are drawing or lifting a bucket of water from the well, we are pulling the bucket towards us.

Actions such as passing the ball, hitting the hammer on the nail, etc. can be considered as pushing an object.

What is Force?

Push and pull forces

A Force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from its interaction with another object. In other words, force is an action performed on objects.

When a player kicks a ball, he applies force on the ball.

Kicking a ball force

 Similarly, when a person pushes a desk to move it from point A to point B, he applies force on the desk.

Pushing a desk force

 In the previous example, to pass the ball to his teammate, a player must interact with the ball to move it in the direction of his teammate. He interacts with the ball by kicking it. In the other example, to move the desk from point A to point B, one must interact with the desk.

What are Some Examples of Force?

Examples of force


Types of Actions
  • Pushing
  • Pulling
Force Push or pull upon an object resulting from its interaction with another object.

 Did You Know?

There are four fundamental forces in nature, which include gravity, electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.