What factors gave birth to the consumer movement in India? Trace its evolution.

At the beginning of the consumer movement in India, it can be said that the movement began with the enactment of the consumer protection act of 1986.
The consumer movement in India which started with the enactment of the consumer protection act of 1986 has been further strengthened by the granting of constitutional status to consumer protection councils at the national and state levels through an amendment to the constitution in 2002.
The consumer forums have been established at the national, state, and district levels for the speedy redressal of grievances relating to deficiency in goods or services.

The consumer movement in India was given birth because of the following factors:

Increased awareness in the consumers about their rights.
Increased demand for better quality products and services from the consumers.
Publicity through media and at local levels to create awareness among the consumers about their rights and responsibilities.
Increased availability of goods and services.

The Evolution of the Consumer Movement in India started with:

Informal level-

At this level, there were only a few people who were interested in offering help to other consumers who have been duped by shops or companies who did not offer proper service or products as promised by them.
These activities were undertaken on a small scale during the early 1950s and 1960s by some individuals, women’s associations, trade unions, etc. without any formal organizations being set up for this purpose.

Formal level
The formal stage involved setting up Government bodies, non-Government organizations (NGOs), semi-Government bodies, etc.

Final answer :

There are various factors responsible for the birth of the consumer movement in India.

They are ignorant of the consumers about their rights.
Lack of knowledge regarding the quality and utility of products.
Shortage of essential commodities, artificial scarcity, black marketing, and hoarding have made a dent in the economic life of the common man.
The failure of producers to supply quality goods and services at reasonable prices.
Advertisement has become a means to influence people to buy products that are not worth buying.
The paucity of information about the existence and availability of superior products.
Consumers’ protection needs were kept on the priority list by successive governments.
The consumer movement in India was born in the 1960s as a result of the exploitation of consumers by business firms.
There was an urgent need for educating the people about their rights in the marketplace and for organizing them to resist exploitation.

Inadequate knowledge of consumers about their rights

Monopoly –
The economy was dominated by monopoly producers who were exploiting the consumers through high prices and poor-quality goods.
Low level of consciousness among consumers
The lack of awareness among consumers led to their exploitation.

Poor economic conditions
Poverty and unemployment were rampant in India during that time, which increased people’s vulnerability to exploitation.