What does a soda – acid type fire extinguisher contain? How does it work? Explain the working of a soda – acid fire extinguisher with the help of a labeled diagram.

In a soda-acid fire extinguisher, a separate container contains a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate and sulphuric acid.
Sulphuric acid combines with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution to generate carbon dioxide gas, which forms a blanket over the burning object and cuts off the source of oxygen when the fire extinguisher’s knob is pressed.
This puts an end to the burning process, and the fire goes out.
It is made up of a heavy-duty iron vessel with a discharge nozzle on the side.
A sodium bicarbonate solution is poured into the iron jar.
Final Answer :
When the fire extinguisher’s knob is pressed, sulphuric acid reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution to make carbon dioxide gas, which forms a blanket around the burning object and cuts off the source of oxygen.