What do you understand by the word ‘government’? List five ways in which you think the government effects your daily life.

Government is required to get things done in a country and to make a variety of decisions while administering a country.
Governments make decisions on behalf of the people of a country and then put those decisions into action for the people’s overall wellbeing.
Government is required by all governments on the planet; no country can exist without one.

The following is a list of government actions that have an impact on the citizens of a country’s daily lives.
The government offers a variety of social welfare programmes to assist the country’s needy. Social Welfare programmes are sometimes managed by the federal government and other times by state governments. In India, the central and state governments administer hundreds of social welfare programmes.
In India, the government manages critical services such as railways and postal services, which are an integral part of our everyday lives.
Government choices and policies affecting the pricing of products and commodities have an impact on the average person’s daily existence.
The impact of government efforts on the construction of roads and other infrastructure on the average person’s daily existence is significant.
To maintain law and order in society, the government creates laws and regulations. The government is in charge of providing security to the general public. Governments regulate resources to protect a country’s territorial integrity.
It is the responsibility of governments to preserve peaceful relations with governments from other countries. It is impossible to live in solitude in today’s highly globalised world.
If a natural or man-made disaster occurs in the country, the governments are responsible for protecting and assisting the population, as well as offering other types of supports.
There are governments at three levels to assist in the efficient functioning of the country: local, state, and national.

Final Answer:

The word “government” refers to a governing body that makes decisions and implements policies that benefit its citizens.
The government supports all citizens equally in the face of discrimination and injustice.
It keeps society in order by maintaining peace.
It is in charge of criminal activity.
It aids people in living a healthy lifestyle.
In the event of a natural disaster, the government gives all necessary emergency aid to the individuals who are affected.