What do you understand by the term non – stoichiometric hydrides? Do you expect this type of the hydrides to be formed by alkali metals? Justify your answer.

Those hydrides which do not have fixed composition are called non-stoichiometric hydrides, and the composition varies with temperature and pressure. Examples of non-stoichiometric hydrides are TiH〖_(x )〗(x=1.8 to 2) and ZrH〖_x〗(x=1.30 to 1.75). This type of hydrides are formed by d and f-block elements.
Alkali metals lose electrons easily and are known for strong reducing action. The lost electrons of alkali metals are gained by H to form ionic hydrides in which the ratio of alkali metal to hydrogen is fixed. So, alkali metals form stoichiometric hydrides. These hydrides are ionic in nature.

Hence, non-stoichiometric hydrides do not have fixed composition and alkali metals do not form non-stoichiometric hydrides.