What do you understand by the term “intermontane plateau”? Where would you find one in Asia?

A central mountain range is a mountain that is fenced in or surrounded by other mountains.
The Tibetan Plateau and the Mongolian Plateau are two mountain ranges in central Asia.
The Tibetan Plateau is bounded to the north by the Kunlun Mountains and to the south by the Himalayas. Because of errors or mutations in a single body, the province was elevated and subdivided into large blocks, exposing it to long-term losses in the central erosion cycle.
They are also widely promoted through the revitalization of some faulty lines.
The current erosion cycle was introduced near the end of the higher education period, when the region’s deepest trenches were submerged.
They are also visible in the construction of a series of large, south-facing, sloping ridges of an unusual structure at the northern edges of high-rise buildings.
Each decline comes to an end when the resistant formulation outnumbers the weakness.
A broad step of weak fibres separates each drop from the next high point.

Final Answer:

An intermontane plateau is one that is enclosed or surrounded by mountain ranges. The Tibetan Plateau and the Mongolian Plateau are Asia’s two intermountain plateaus. The Tibetan Plateau is bounded to the north by the Kunlun Mountains and to the south by the Himalayas.