What do you mean by quantization of electronic energy and angular momentum ?

Quantized energy means that the electrons can possess only certain discrete energy values; values between those quantized values are not permitted. Because of the quantized orbits, such “quantum jumps” will produce discrete spectra, in agreement with observations.

Quantization of angular momentum means that the radius of the orbit and the energy will be quantized as well. Bohr assumed that the discrete lines seen in the spectrum of the hydrogen atom were due to transitions of an electron from one allowed orbit/energy to another.

Final Answer:

Quantized energy means that the electrons can possess only certain discrete energy values; values between those quantized values are not permitted. Because of the quantized orbits, such “quantum jumps” will produce discrete spectra, in agreement with observations.

Quantization of angular momentum means that the radius of the orbit and the energy will be quantized as well. Bohr assumed that the discrete lines seen in the spectrum of the hydrogen atom were due to transitions of an electron from one allowed orbit/energy to another.