What do you know about the interior of the earth?

Our Earth is made up of many concentric layers.
These layers are of three numbers: the crust, mantle, and core layer.
Crust: This is the highest layer on the earth’s surface. It is the thinnest of all the layers. It is about 35 km long on the continental blocks and only 5 km on the ocean floor. Soil is made up of silica and alumina.
Therefore, it is called sial (silica and alumina). Oceanic crust is mainly made up of silica and magnesium. Hence, it is called sima (silica and magnesium).
Mantle: It is located just below the crustIt extends to a depth of 2900 km underthrust.
Core: This is the innermost layer. Its radius is about 3500 km.
It is mainly composed of nickel and iron and is called nife (nickel and iron, Le, iron).
The central core has very high temperatures and pressures.

Final answer: Our earth is made up of many layers. There are three layers: crust, mantle,and core layer.crust is the highest layer on the earth and mantle is below the crust and core is the innermost layer.the central core has high temperature.