What are the properties of an image formed by a plane mirror?

A plane mirror forms the image of an object when the ray coming from an object strikes the surface and after reflection they meet a point. Where they meet at this point an image is formed.

Properties of an image formed by a plane mirror are following:

The image formed by the plane mirror is always behind the mirror.
If the image formed behind the mirror then it forms a virtual image.
The image is erect.
The image formed by the plane mirror is the front back reversal of an object. It means the right hand object looks like the left hand object this is called lateral inversion.
The image size is always equal to the size of an object.
The image distance and object distance is equal in the case of a plane mirror.

Final Answer –

The image formed in the case of plane mirror is:
Virtual and erect.
Behind the mirror
Laterally inverted
Same size as an object
Same distance from the mirror as an object